
vineri, 6 iunie 2014

ZF Live: Interviu cu dl. Alexandros Ignatiadis, co-fondator Octagon Romania (05.06.2014) – partea 3

Citate din interviu:

Constructiile sunt o frana pentru cresterea economica din cauza faptului ca nu s-a finalizat procesul de stabilizare politica.”
In perioada alegerilor o mare parte din fondurile de investitii pentru constructii sunt redirectionate catre sectoare publice care pot aduce voturi, precum pensiile.”
A existat un reviriment in sectorul privat, generat de constructia a doua mall-uri in Bucuresti si a catorva fabrici in tara, dar aceste investitii au fost umbrite de diminuarea activitatii in sectorul public.”

ZF Live: Interviu cu dl. Alexandros Ignatiadis, co-fondator Octagon Romania (05.06.2014) – partea 4

Citate din interviu:

O problema majora in domeniul infrastructurii este ciclul de viata al acestor proiecte. Avem intarzieri majore in fiecare etapa si cand ajungem la finantare caietul de sarcini este contestat de foarte multe ori.In final sunt contestate si rezultatele licitatiilor.”
Termenul de livrare al proiectelor de infrastructura este prelungit in medie de peste 2,5 ori iar acest lucru atrage pierdere de bani.”
Vad o stagnare a pietei constructiilor in 2014, la nivelul din 2013"

miercuri, 4 iunie 2014

Business Review: No drama: Greeks adjust to post-crisis market

With over EUR 4 billion invested in Romania up until 2013, Greek investors have continued to seek local business opportunities, with close to 300 new companies with Greek capital having been registered last year.

The Hellenic business presence has remained intact in recent years, and even developed further, despite the ripple effects of the global economic crisis, according to Efrossyni Mita, counselor for economic and commercial affairs at the Embassy of Greece.

Greek foreign direct investments to Romania exceed EUR 4 billion, if the figure includes investments by companies of Greek interest via third countries such as Luxembourg, Cyprus or the Netherlands, according to estimates by the office for economic and commercial affairs at the Greek Embassy.

According to the national trade registry (ONRC), Greek FDI reached EUR 1.7 billion last year, accounting for 4.7 percent of total FDI. The National Bank of Romania (NBR) said that FDI from the Balkan country amounted to EUR 2.5 billion at the end of 2012, accounting for 4.3 percent of total investments. However, the central bank uses a different methodology to draw up data.

“A significant number of new Greek companies were registered during the years in question (e.n. the crisis period), 2013 included. This included big investors, as well as small and medium sized companies. In addition to newcomers, many Greek companies, already active in the market, proceeded with their investment plans,” Mita told BR.

Romania is home to 5,790 firms with Greek capital, out of which 295 were founded in 2013. They have created around 45,000 jobs in various sectors including banking, retail and manufacturing.

Meanwhile, trade between the two countries rose 5.5 percent to EUR 1.1 billion, with Greek exports to Romania gaining 6.3 percent to EUR 604.3 million, while Romanian exports to Greece rose by 10.9 percent to EUR 604.5 million.

“This positive trend shows that there is much room for further improvement,” said Mita.

Banking and telecom stand out

Greek investments are particularly notable in banking, with a 12 percent market share in terms of assets, and in telecom.

Four large Hellenic banking groups are present in Romania. Banca Romaneasca is owned by the National Bank of Greece (NBG), while EFG Eurobank controls Bancpost.  Meanwhile, Alpha Bank and Piraeus Bank operate under their own brands.

According to daily Ziarul Financiar, NBG will withdraw from Romania, having struck a deal with the EU’s anti-trust  body.

Banca Romaneasca’s assets amounted to RON 7 billion (EUR 1.5 billion) at the end of 2012. Aside from the lender, NBG’s Romanian operations include an insurer, a financial investment firm and a leasing company.

Meanwhile, Eurobank registered a EUR 40 million loss in Romania 2013, up by EUR 5 million over the previous year. Its assets fell 6 percent to EUR 3.8 billion.

Last year, Piraeus Bank sold a 93.2 percent stake in ATE Bank Romania to Romanian businessperson Dorinel Umbrarescu, in a EUR 10.3 million deal. The lender has been rebranded as Banca Romana de Credite si Investitii and will be run in a dualist system. Piraeus registered a gross profit of EUR 3.3 million last year, while its assets amounted to over EUR 2 billion.

Meanwhile, Alpha Bank posted a pre-tax loss of EUR 4.7 million in Romania last year on the back of higher provisioning for bad loans.

Moving to telecom, Romtelecom's total revenues amounted to EUR 609.5 million. Greek OTE controls 54 percent of the company’s shares, while the rest are held by the Romanian state. The state is planning to sell its stake through an initial public offering (IPO). Meanwhile, telecom operator Cosmote Romania, in which OTE holds a 70 percent stake, recorded revenues of EUR 458 million last year. Both Romtelecom and Cosmote registered a slight decrease in revenues year-on-year. The two companies will be rebranded as T-Mobile by September, which could represent another step in their merger, according to news portal

Gauging Greek investment sentiment

BR asked the heads of Greek firms active in various sectors about their experience in Romania and their outlook for 2014.

Ilias Pliatsikas, general manager at Olympus Romania, said the company had launched new products locally last year and that its turnover had grown by 41 percent to EUR 55 million in the same period. He said this had allowed Olympus to register its first profit since starting production at its Brasov-based plant in Halchiu. This year, the company expects a 30 percent hike in turnover. Olympus relies solely on milk from Romania for its plant and exports 70 percent of its output. “2014 is important for the dairy sector. The price and quality of the raw material will play a key role in the industry,” Pliatsikas told BR.

Dimitris Nikolakis, CEO of Druckfarben Romania, a manufacturer and supplier of inks and solvents for the flexible packaging industry, architectural paints and related products, said the company has been impacted by the economic crisis, which has changed consumption patterns.

“Romanian consumers’ shift towards more economical solutions in the last couple of years resulted in a slight decrease in the local turnover for both business units in 2013, offset by increased export activity to neighboring countries,” said Nikolakis.

“Due to the prevailing market conditions, the previous year was a transitional one for Druckfarben, in which the foundations were laid for the future strategic positioning of our brands and the expansion to previously unexplored areas,” he added.

He said the construction and building materials industries were expected to slightly decline or remain flat this year, depending on political developments. However, Nikolakis expects the paints business, represented by the brand Kraft Paints in Romania, to yield double-digit growth this year. He said the company holds 40 percent of the market for flexible packaging inks. The company is part of the Druckfarben group, which is active in the Balkans region with a consolidated turnover of over EUR 50 million.

The turnover in the local construction sector continued to fall in 2013, although some of the sector registered a revival, mainly due to private initiatives, which continued in the first quarter of this year, according to Alexandros Ignatiadis-  shareholder of Octagon Contracting & Engineering,  Dimitris Nikolakis- CEO, Druckfarben Romania, Effie Valsamaki-  general manager, Dirent Group, Ilias Papageorgiadis- CEO, More Group of companies.

 “Unfortunately, as this year is an electoral year, most of the public funds will be allotted to pensions and other areas that can bring votes, so the construction sector will not be a priority for public investments. At the same time, for pretty much the same reasons, the effervescence of the private sector has started to flatten out,” Alexandros Ignatiadis told BR. He said this year will be broadly similar to the previous one for construction. The company more than doubled its turnover to EUR 19.6 million last year against the previous one.  In 2014 the company is aiming to reach a turnover of EUR 16 million and to maintain its portfolio of clients.

Effie Valsamaki, general manager at Dirent Group, said the firm had seen its turnover in the operating leasing service fall due to a weak market, while the short-term rental service has increased since its launch in Romania three years ago. “Although the car rental market in Romania has not seen huge fluctuations over the last three years since the big drop of 2009-2010, Dirent’s specific service has gained a bigger market share every year. The expectation for this year is to increase the turnover of the rent-a car service by 50 percent,” Valsamaki  told BR.

“The used car business has faced various obstacles, mainly due to additional taxation and low demand, but the local market started to move much better at the beginning of 2014. For executive used vehicles with high engine capacity, the local market is still very difficult, the taxation very high, and prices would have to drop even more before local drivers would buy them. Otherwise  these vehicles will have to be sold on foreign markets,” she added.

Ilias Papageorgiadis, CEO of the MORE Group of companies, a consultancy, said that brokerage activities in the real estate sector recorded 7-8 percent growth last year. The company started to focus on income properties and investments in 2009. It grew its renewable energy business by 3.5-4 percent. In April 2013, the group decided to focus solely on biogas and biomass projects, due to changes to the incentives system.

“Biomass and biogas will attract Greek capital, as Greece does not have the advantages of Romania in this sector and lots of companies are scoping the market and moving onto the next steps. Once the situation is 100 percent clarified, you could witness a new wave of investments in this sector that could surprise an outsider,” the CEO told BR.  He added that demand in the real estate sector, especially for income-generating properties, such as farmland and forests.

Greek investors hold a 20-25 percent share in the overall portfolio of clients.

For Divertiland, the outdoor water entertainment park in eastern Bucharest, the first year of operations attracted over 100,000 people.

“This year we will concentrate our efforts on developing a complete customer experience and position Divertiland as a city break destination within the city. Some of our efforts will go into the development of additional activities, such as events and parties,” Alejandro Poulakis, the park’s CEO, told BR. He added that 20 percent of the total number of visitors last year were foreign.

Ambassador of Greece to Romania Grigorios Vassiloconstandakis says the euro’s current problems would most likely be solved by 2019, when Romania aims to join the Euro zone. His compatriots have invested over EUR 4 billion here and their development plans have continued despite the difficult economic situation.

BR: How are Greece and Romania collaborating in the economic field? What are the strong points and which areas still need improvement?
Ambassador: Greece and Romania have very strong relations in all domains of economic collaboration. This is due to historical reasons, cultural ties and geographical opportunity, and I must say that these bilateral economic relations are mainly characterized by a strong Greek business and investment presence in Romania.
The investment capital of Greek origin currently makes Greece the sixth biggest foreign investor. Total Greek investments have far exceeded EUR 4 billion, and I must stress that these investments are qualitative, reflecting the long-term Greek business presence in Romania. I believe that this is rightly appreciated, since all Greek firms have contributed to the modernization of the Romanian economy, and its gradual adaptation to the EU economic environment.
Of course, Romania’s subsequent membership of the EU greatly enhanced our bilateral relations. Trade advanced significantly in 2013 both from the point of view of Greek exports to Romania and Romanian exports to Greece. I believe there is room for a further increase in bilateral trade as well as in Romanian investments in Greece.

BR: What are Greece’s priorities for the EU presidency?
Ambassador: Greece has assumed the presidency at a time when Europe is going through an extremely delicate phase. We have had the crisis over the last few years, which resulted in recession and unemployment, shaken the confidence of high numbers of European citizens in EU institutions and gravely affected social cohesion.
Our challenge is to ensure prosperity and stability, because it is more and more obvious that the priority areas of our presidency cannot escape the pressing needs of European citizens today. In a few words: the promotion of policies and actions to achieve growth, combat unemployment, promote economic and social cohesion and structural reforms, deepening integration and completion of the European monetary union, as well as addressing external challenges, including EU enlargement, have formulated the priority framework of the Hellenic presidency.

BR: Does Greece support Romania’s Schengen accession and do you think that something will happen this year given the unfolding crisis in Ukraine?
Ambassador:  It is well known that Greece supports Romania’s accession to the Schengen area because we think that Romania fulfills all the technical criteria; it complies with the acquis communautaire (e.n. European Community laws) in this field. We are doing our best, now that we have the EU presidency this semester, to promote Romania’s candidacy for the Schengen area. As you know, of course, this is not totally dependent on us, because accession into the Schengen area is a complicated procedure and the role of the rotating presidency is different, so Romania’s accession will come down to a synthesis of different options, positions, views and trying to find, when conditions are right, the common denominator in order to reach consensus.
You know very well that unanimity is needed for this kind of decision, and we hope that consensus can be reached soon.

BR: Would you advise Romania to join the Euro zone, given the economic hardship suffered by Greece in recent years?
Ambassador: What we must say from the beginning is that Greece joined the Euro zone some 12 years ago, when nobody could predict the architecture, procedures, outcome and the possibility of the euro positively impacting the economies of the Euro zone. I think that following the crisis that started three-four years ago, all Europeans are aware of the problems related to the architecture of the euro asa common currency. And I think that over the last few years all of us have tried to find a new basis for this architecture so that the euro will never deal with the same difficulties we have gone through in the last few years. I understand that your prime minister has predicted that Romania could join the Euro zone at the end of the decade. The current problems of the euro would most likely be solved by then, and Romania, with its very good economic indicators, will be in a strong position to adopt the euro.

BR: Has the EU as a political entity emerged stronger from the recession?
Ambassador: The first big advantage of being a member of the EU is that all members define Europe as a common place to be – as a family, as a great area of activities (economic, political and cultural) andthis is an invaluable asset for all Europeans.
Of course problems and challenges frequently arise and the EU has to be ready to deal with them, taking into consideration its weight, not only economically, but also politically and diplomatically.
It is true that we are trying to move in that direction and these are the efforts made by the common institutions we all respect. That is the European Parliament; first of all, the European Commission, the Council, and I think that over the years this is the goal to which we are getting closer and closer.
But you are right and I think that the crisis like the one in our region, in Ukraine, indicates the need for coordination. And through dialogue and unanimity we have decided on a common response approved by all member states.

BR: We’ve seen more public officials jailed. Do you think that this is a genuine crackdownon corruption in the public sector?
Ambassador: I think that Romania, like Greece, has taken big steps forward concerning the anti-corruption fight. We can see that and all of us appreciate these big steps, which have taken place over the last few years – over the last year to be more specific. We are confident that Romania is on the right path in this field.

BR: What issues are raised by Greek investors doing business in Romania?
Ambassador: Greek investors consider the business environment in Romania a safe one. However we would like to see more stability and predictability in the legislative framework that applies to different domains of business and investment activity, especially regarding fiscal provisions and tax levels, as well as the incentives provided for investments in various economic fields. As an example, I could mention the changes in the renewable energy legislation and the insolvency law, but in general I understand that the biggest asset that Romania presents for foreign investments is the stability and security of the business environment.

(Sursa: Business Review, Autor- Ovidiu Posirca) 

vineri, 30 mai 2014

ZF- Alexandros Ignatiadis: Constructiile si imobiliarele incep sa-si revina, insa mare atentie la o noua bula speculativa

Unii dezvoltatori imobiliari continua constructia de locuinte, iar cererea de birouri da semne de crestere, in timp ce in piata materialelor de constructii vanzarile de polistiren sau caramida au fost de asemenea pe plus la inceputul acestui an.

Gradul ridicat de neocupare si tendinta de scadere a chiriilor pentru birourile din Bucuresti, precum si puterea scazuta de cumparare din piata locuintelor sunt insa factori care nu lasa loc pentru un optimism exacerbat, astfel ca piata imobiliara ar trebui sa isi continue revirimentul in pasi marunti, pentru a nu intra intr-o noua bula.

“Marea majoritate a cererilor pentru cladiri de birouri este generata de call centere sau IT mutate la noi in tara. Noi aici nu vindem manopera, ci “creiere” mai ieftine. Nu e nimic gresit, dar prezinta intotdeauna riscul volatilitatii si este subiectul cresterii sau scaderii pietelor dezvoltate.” a declarat Alexandros Ignatiadis, actionar al companiei de constructii “Octagon Contracting & Engineering”, in cadrul ZF Construction & Infrastructure Summit ’14, organizat de Ziarul Financiar in parteneriat cu Genesis Development, Marsh, Octagon, CertaAsig, Schoenherr, Skanska si Biris Goran.

Ignatiadis, a carui firma de constructii a contribuit la dezvoltarea unor proiecte precum Sky Tower, Hermes Business Campus sau Green Court, spune ca ar trebui sa fim mai atenti la sustenabilitatea proiectelor imobiliare si ca trebuie sa evitam greselile din 2006- 2008, “exuberanta aceea in care toata lumea sarea in hora, incepand cu constructorii, jucatorii din  imobiliare si asa mai departe.”

Potentialul exista, astfel ca Richard Burleigh, presedintele Skanska Construction Romania, compara piata locala cu Polonia de acum 10- 12 ani, dar arata ca si polonezilor le-a luat patru- cinci ani de la aderare pentru a incepe cu adevarat sa atraga bani europeni. “Talente” locale exista , sustine britanicul, dar si Radu Enache, cel care conduce de peste 20 de ani operatiunile din Romania ale gigantului American HP, al carui birou din Bucuresti a ajuns la peste 4.000 de angajati si va continua sa se dezvolte.

Totodata, Catalin Iorgulescu, managing director al firmei de BPO WNS, cu 400 de angajati in proiectul West Gate din Bucuresti, spera ca in urmatorii trei ani sa aduca biroul local la peste 1.000 de angajati care sa ofera servicii unor companii de calibru, listate pe bursele international, la un pret “competitiv”.

“Imi mentin parerea” spune omul de afaceri Liviu Tudor, unul dintre pesimistii sau poate realistii pietei imobiliare , care considera ca nu a fost depasita criza , astfel ca si firma pe care o conduce- Genesis Development- va continua sa dezvolte birouri doar cand va avea o cerere clara din partea unei companii, pentru ocuparea unei parti substantiale a spatiilor.

In schimb, grupul suedez Skanska, ridica un prim proiect in Romania- Green Court de pe bulevardul Barbu Vacarescu- mizand pe potentialul pietei pe termen mediu si lung.  

marți, 14 ianuarie 2014

Agenda Constructiilor: OCTAGON SA estimeaza ca a incasat aproximativ 20 milioane de euro in 2013

Anul 2013 a fost semnificativ mai bun din punct de vedere al derularii activitatii pentru compania Octagon Contracting &Engineering SA, prin prisma contractarii unor proiecte importante atat pe plan autohton, cat si pe piata din Irak.

 In Romania, societatea a adjudecat, in regim de antrepriza generala, proiectul Hermes Business Campus si a castigat contractul pentru realizarea lucrarilor geotehnice de structura si de infrastructura pentru obiectivul Green Court Bucharest. In ceea ce priveste activitatea din afara granitelor tarii, Octagon SA edifica, in prezent, centrala electrica Shatt Al - Basra (din Basra) si stadionul Al Zawraa, din Bagdad. “Actualmente, derulam lucrari specifice la trei obiective din domeniul cladirilor de birouri, respectiv Hermes Business Campus, Green Court Bucharest, PC Business Center (unde am contractat lucrarile geotehnice, de fundatii speciale si de infrastructura), a caror valoare insumata depaseste 18,6 milioane de euro, precum si la cele doua obiective din Iraq, ce totalizeaza 3 milioane de euro”, a declarat Alexandros Ignatiadis, actionar al Octagon Contracting & Engineering SA.

Din perspectiva incasarilor, actionarul Octagon SA estimeaza ca anul recent incheiat a generat venituri de aproximativ 20 milioane de euro pentru societate, pentru anul 2014 fiind estimata o crestere a acestora, pe fondul unui reviriment anticipat al pietei de profil. “In prezent, sectorul de constructii din Romania se afla, la o privire de ansamblu, intr-o perioada de stagnare, cea mai mare problema cu care acesta se va confrunta in 2014 fiind constituita de finantarea greoaie a lucrarilor de infrastructura.

Cu toate acestea, exista anumite segmente care prezinta usoare cresteri, printre acestea aflandu-se cel de cladiri de birouri, de care a beneficiat si societatea noastra prin contractele adjudecate in 2013”, considera directorul general al Octagon SA.

(Sursa: Agenda Constructiilor)

marți, 19 noiembrie 2013

Interviu Constructiv- Alexandros Ignatiadis: Octagon, consolidare pe doua continente

Fluctuatiile rezultatelor din ultimii ani ale Octagon Contracting & Engineering, companie de constructii civile si lucrari geotehnice, reflecta efortul pietei locale de constructii de a supravietui. O piata care abia acum pare ca isi revine, impulsionata fiind de recentele investitii in cladirile de birouri din zona Pipera. O piata sugrumata de putinele proiecte si multimea de compromisuri pe care companiile de profil sunt nevoite sa le adopte pentru a exista.  Alexandros Ignatiadis , actionar al companiei,a vorbit despre piata si proiectele Octagon intr-un interviu deschis, acordat revistei “Constructiv”.

Constructiv: Cum a reusit Octagon sa supravietuiasca?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Nu am aplicat o reteta complicata, ci o regula esentiala in activitatea noastra: foarte multa munca. Iar aceasta regula ne-a ajutat sa ne mentinem pe linia de plutire, intr-o perioada dificila pentru piata constructiilor. Cei care au rezistat in aceasta perioada cu siguranta se vor bucura in viitor de un mediu de afaceri mai prielnic.

Constructiv: Anul 2013 pare mai bun decat anul trecut, avand doua proiecte mari de cladiri de birouri in Bucuresti.
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Da, lucram la proiectul Hermes Business Campus, in cadrul caruia am efectuat initial lucrarile geotehnice, iar in prezent ne aflam in etapa de constructie a structurii de rezistenta. Pentru acest obiectiv executam suprastructura primului corp de cladire, pe care am adjudecat-o in regim de subantrepriza de la firma Alpine Bau GmbH (din Austria). Valoarea lucrarilor executate de Octagon este de aproximativ trei milioane de euro. Cel mai recent contract obtinut este Green Court Bucharest, in cadrul caruia vom realiza lucrari geotehnice de structura si de infrastructura pentru corpul A si lucrari de infrastructura pentru corpul B. Proiectul de birouri este dezvoltat de grupul suedez Skanska. Proiectul va fi construit in concordanta cu principiile de dezvoltare sustenabila si urmeaza sa obtina certificare LEED. Valoarea lucrarilor adjudecate de Octagon este de aproximativ sapte milioane de euro.

Constructiv: Cum sunt termenele contractuale intr-o perioada in care constructorii se lupta pentru putinele proiecte existente pe piata?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Fiind o piata a vanzatorului, in cazul nostru a dezvoltatorului, constructorii trebuie sa se adapteze conditiilor impuse de acestia. Danseaza cum li se canta. Preturile de executie sunt extrem de comprimate, iar aceasta situatie epuizeaza constructorii. Iar exigentele dezvoltatorilor nu scad.

Constructiv: Cum a fost concursul pentru proiectul dezvoltat de Skanska?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Au participat cele mai bune 15 firme de profil din Bucuresti. Si dupa ce s-a facut o selectie care a avut in vedere protectia muncii, protectia subantreprenorilor, preturi minimale etc. cel care a reusit sa respire a castigat. Skanska este o firma corecta pe toate planurile, dar este o firma care vrea normal sa obtina si profit. In final a fost o competitie acerba pe care suntem mandri ca am castigat-o. Consideram proiectul o carte de vizita. Cu ajutorul acestuia speram ca am depasit problemele din anul trecut. In plus s-a maturizat si investitia din Irak unde avem deja o prezenta care a inceput sa prinda radacini.

Constructiv: Si contracte? Sau doar radacini?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Si contracte, dar acolo contractele nu inseamna prea mult. Unde nu ai legislatie pentru aplicarea contractelor degeaba ai contracte. Poti sa ai contracte de zeci de sute de milioane. Problema e cat valoreaza aceste contracte si daca vor fi realizate vreodata, daca vor fi platite, etc.

Constructiv: Cum lucrati in acest mediu ostil?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: In cazul centralei electrice de 1.250 MGW pentru care am pornit lucrarile in 2012 si care trebuia finalizata in noiembrie anul acesta, lucrarile merg foarte lent. Ritmul de derulare nu are legatura cu finantarea, ci cu modul in care este administrat proiectul. In sase luni, respectiv 180 de zile, noi am lucrat 40 de zile. Ba nu era beton, fier, agregate, nu exista aprobarea de la laborator, din cauza sarbatorilor religioase etc. Dar am ajuns la un stadiu de modus vivendi, si am reusit sa construim in Irak o structura sustenabila chiar in conditiile acestea. Si, cu cat se va imbunatati economia, si noi vom avea experienta si vom putea filtra clientii.

Constructiv: Care e valoarea proiectelor din Irak?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Valoarea cumulata a proiectelor este de trei milioane de euro. Lucram la centrala electrica Shat Al- Basra din Basra si la stadionul Al Zawraa din Bagdad, unde executam in principal lucrari geotehnice, Octagon avand deja mobilizate in zona utiliaje si personal.Dar valoarea e relativa, pentru ca desi sunt lucrari semnate, o parte din acestea nu se realizeaza, fie din cauza securitatii, a coruptiei fie din cauza faptului ca firmele care le castiga nu au experienta necesara pentru a le executa. In plus, asa cum spuneam, din cauza problemelor de legislatie, firmele care au contracte semnate nu au certitudinea ca acele contracte se vor realiza. Irakienii nu au foarte multa experienta in dezvoltarea proiectelor de constructie, pentru ca in ultimii ani nu s-au facut investitii serioase in constructii. Noi nu semnam contracte foarte mari, ci adjudecam doar parti din aceste contracte si dupa ce finalizam lucrarile prelungim intelegerea.

Constructiv: In contextul dat incurajati firmele sa se duca in Irak?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Daca era usor, era piata deja aglomerata. Eu am deschis o sucursala pentru ca e dificil. In Arabia Saudita nu pot sa ma duc pentru ca e deja plina de competitori. Pietele unde exista loc pentru firme medii sunt acelea in care firmele mari nu sunt inca sau nu se duc din varii motive. Iar daca cineva are stomac si nervi sa mearga, ii recomand sa se duca. Avantajul nostru provine din prezenta noastra acolo, fata de alte firme care trimit consilieri.
Constructiv: Vizati si alte zone in afara de Irak?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Nu avem resurse pentru asa ceva. Asa ca ne vom concentra toate resursele locale pe aceasta piata in care exista de lucru. Cu ajutorul dezvoltarii din Irak vom putea avea doua ancore, una in Europa si una in Orientul Mijlociu care ne vor sustine business-ul indiferent de fluctuatiile de pe unul din continente.

Constructiv: Cat reprezinta acum afacerea din Irak?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: La ora actuala afacerea reprezinta 20 - 25% din total. Dar daca contractul mentionat si deja semnat porneste pana la urma cu un ritm chiar irakian, peste un an s-ar putea sa fim chiar mai mari. Adica se pot realiza in Irak 20 de milioane de euro si aici 12 milioane.

Constructiv: Doriti sa faceti investitii in zona?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Noi vrem sa investim un milion de dolari pentru achizitionarea de utilaje - macarale pe senile, utilaje de forat piloti pentru ca la ora actuala depindem de companiile locale.

Constructiv: Foarte multi dezvoltatori au inceput proiectele de birouri in Bucuresti, proiecte ce sustin piata de profil. Intrebarea este: de ce acum si de ce investitii in spatii de birouri?
Alexandros Ignatiadis:  Ati gasit intrebarea de pe buzele tuturor, intrebare al carei raspuns nu l-am gasit si sincer ma depaseste. Bineinteles ca sunt fericit ca acest boom din Pipera exista si ca avem de lucru, dar rationamentul de business din spatele lui imi scapa. Poate din perspectiva de dezvoltator lucrurile se vad altfel.

Constructiv: Se vad altfel poate si pentru ca preturile pentru constructie au scazut?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Sunt atat de comprimate preturile de constructie ca mai jos de atat nu mai pot scadea. Dar nu e de ajuns. Trebuie sa ai clienti sau cerere. Chiar daca cladirile vor fi mai bune, mai eficiente, mai performante, acestea vor canibaliza celelalte proiecte existente. Nu exista o noua cerere, ci clienti vechi care se muta de la o cladire la alta. Totusi, este de remarcat ca, majoritatea investitorilor participa total sau partial cu finantare proprie, ceea ce ofera o putere de asteptare mai mare a viitorului client.

Constructiv: In general, cat a ajuns marja de profit in cazul constructiilor de birouri?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: In general nu pot sa comentez, dar din moment ce concuram cu anumiti constructori pentru aceleasi proiecte, si castigam, cred ca marja acestora e realmente intre trei si sapte procente.

Constructiv: Poate de aici vine momentul oportun?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Cred ca vor exista cladiri goale in continuare. Dar cu siguranta dezvoltatorii au o perspectiva diferita, vad evolutia segmentului de birouri diferit, altfel nu ar investi in constructia acestor cladiri.

Constructiv: Care e sentimentul general cand va intalniti cu investitorii?
Alexandros Ignatiadis: Exista in continuare un cliseu vechi, perpetuat de investitori, faptul ca Romania are in continuare mult potential neexploatat.

Constructiv: Iar asteptarile impreuna cu contractele deja semnate de Octagon pentru anul 2013 ne arata ca...?

Alexandros Ignatiadis: Conjuctura anului trecut a fost destul de dificila, asa ca in 2013 fata de 2012 vom avea o crestere de 40%. In primele sase luni ale anului trecut nu am lucrat nimic, iar in ultimele am recuperat pierderile. In fiecare an Octagon trebuie sa factureze 10-12 milioane de euro, sub aceasta cifra suntem in pierdere.Si asta s-a intamplat anul trecut cand am avut 7,5 milioane de euro. Anul 2013 pare unul bun in care vom obtine minimum 12 milioane de euro si speram sa recuperam pierderile din anul trecut. 

Autor: Andreea Ceasar

vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013

ALEXANDROS IGNATIADIS: Piata de constructii din Irak este tentanta, dar trebuie abordata cu prudenta

“Piata de constructii din Irak este tentanta, dar trebuie abordata cu prudenta.” a declarat Alexandros Ignatiadis, actionar OCTAGONCONTRACTING & ENGINEERING in cadrul evenimentului “Constructiv 12+” organizat de revista Constructiv.  Prezent la eveniment in calitate de speaker, Alexandros Ignatiadis a vorbit despre avantajele si provocarile cu care se confrunta constructorii pe piata din Irak. OCTAGON a deschis o sucursala in Irak in 2011 si are trei proiecte in derulare, in prezent.

Evenimentul organizat de revista Constructiv si adresat celor care activeaza in constructii, real estate si arhitectura - Constructiv 12+ - a adus peste 150 de profesionisti din domeniu la Bucuresti, pe 31 octombrie.
De ce e nevoie pentru ca investitiile in constructii sa creasca? Ce piete de export sunt interesante pentru firmele romanesti? Ce oportunitati a creat criza ultimilor ani si cum le fructificam? Iata cateva din intrebarile care au primit raspunsuri in cadrul celor trei paneluri ale Constructiv 12+.

Unde s-au pierdut investitorii?

“Piata are nevoie de lichiditate, dar care nu mai poate veni de la banci, ca in perioada de boom, cand cele mai multe proiecte aveau ca scop exit-ul” a declarat Gijs Klomp, CEO al Jones Lang LaSalle Romania, in deschiderea panelului 1, cu titlul “Unde s-au pierdut investitorii?”. O solutie ar fi fondurile private de pensii, interesate de investitii pe termen mediu si lung, nu de ROI rapid.

Pentru Florin Furdui, CEO al Portland Romania, nu atat fiscalitatea excesiva e problema, cat lipsa de coordonare intre autoritati si problema recuperarii TVA-ului, care fac din orice investitie o lupta de uzura.
Alexandros Ignatiadis, actionar al Octagon Contracting & Engineering, a reclamat lipsa de predictibilitate legislativa. “Mai bine legi mai proaste, dar stabile, decat legi bune care se schimba permanent,” a considerat constructorul grec, care a recomandat prudenta si in abordarea pietei de constructii tentante, dar dificile, a Irakului.

“Contractele bine intocmite pot fi un excelent instrument de lucru pentru constructori in relatia, nu usoara, cu statul-beneficiar si pot compensa eventualele scapari legislative,” a declarat in cadrul aceluiasi panel Alina Bilan, Partener al ONV LAW.


“Diversificarea si exploatarea tuturor canalelor de distributie poate fi o solutie, “ a declarat Bogdan Pirvu, director al Diviziei Vopsele Adeplast, in cadrul panelului al doilea, dedicat producatorilor de materiale de constructie. Gasirea unor piete externe pentru un produse de nisa, de calitate, a fost varianta Superlit, care exporta aproximativ 80% din productie in 14 tari, dupa cum a declarat Bogdan Nitu, CEO al producatorului de tevi.

Exista creativitate pe timp de criza?

Ce a adus criza in domeniul proiectarii? “Structura costurilor unei constructii se va modifica, in cazul in care propunerea pentru noul Cod de Proiectare Seismica se va legifera”, a spus Dragos Marcu, Partener si CEO al Popp & Asociatii in cadrul panelului al treilea. “Costurile din ce in ce mai ridicate de intretinere ne vor impinge catre proiecte sustenabile si catre tehnologii verzi,“ a afirmat Steven Borncamp, presedinte al Romania Green Building Council. E nevoie, mai mult ca oricand, de un parteneriat solid intre arhitect, beneficiar si constructor, a considerat Randy Tharp, Managing Director al Epstein Architecture and Engineering. Si totusi, in ultimii patru ani, “doar zece producatori de materiale de constructii mi-au prezentat produsele lor. In America, sunt zile in care ai treizeci de intalniri,” a conchis Randy Tharp.

Cele trei dezbateri au fost urmate de decernarea Premiilor Constructiv, care au onorat performantele si performerii anului 2012 – antreprenori, producatori de materiale de constructii, real estate, retail si arhitectura.